500M+ | Der Jahrhundert-Podcast
Client: Nagra
Agency: Schroten
A podcast by Nagra – the National Co-operative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste. 10 people from politics, science and culture talk to Hannes Hug about various aspects of the nuclear waste repository near Stadel in the canton of Zurich.
Salt Black Everyday 2024
Client: Salt Mobile
Agency: Zimmermann Communications
TV- & Online-Spot for the Salt Black Everyday 2024 campaign
Suzuki Swift BE
Suzuki Swift GR
Suzuki Radiospot 11/2023
Client: Suzuki Schweiz AG
Agency: Metzer Rottmann Bürge
Vocal recording & sound design
Podcast Direction: Future
Client: Farner Consulting
Agency: Audiokanzlei
Direction: Future - a Johnson & Johnson podcast in search of ideas and approaches for a better tomorrow.
SRF Heimwerker:innen
Client: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Agency: John Allen AG
Opener for the SRF summer series 2021 «SRF Heimwerker:innen»
Kunsthaus extension
Client: Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft
Agency: Studio Way
Social media campaign for the preview of the extension, coupled with the sound installation by William Forsythe
Swisslex-Installation Unabhängigkeit
Client: Swisslex
Agency: Studio Way AG
Swisslex installation on the subject of independence
Design funding «Engagement Migros»
Client: Engagement Migros
Agency: Studio Way AG
A short film by Studio Roth&Maerchy explains how Migros Genossenschaftsbund specifically promotes young designers with a Creative Hub
Inauguration VBG Glattalbahn
Client: VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG
Composition for the inauguration of the Glattalbahn line 12 on the occasion of the Glattfest
SOV: TV spot trilogy
Client: Schweizerischer Obstverband
Agency: Metzger Rottmann Bürge
Commercial for swiss fruit