Client: VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG
Composition for the inauguration of the Glattalbahn line 12 on the occasion of the Glattfest on Dec 11th 2010
- Basic concept «Meet the beat» and execution of the Glattalbahn basic beat
- Composition of a dozen pieces of music in various styles based on the basic beat
- Music production for presentations in the Glattalbahn exhibition pavilion at the TV studio stop and in the Glattzentrum as well as for the project DVD and the VBG radio spot
Performances by various music groups at the Glattfest made reference to the basic beat, so that all festival sites were connected via the same beat.
Collaboration with VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG, Feddersen + Klostermann Architekten, Curious About and «glow. das Glattal».